
Being a part of a local church should be an easy and fulfilling process. We want you to have simple next step options to dive deeper into our gospel community. So, whether you’re interested in joining a Community Group, desire to be Baptized, or even become a Member, we will celebrate with you as you take a next step with us. Here are some immediate ways: 

Community Groups

This is the place for you to develop life-long friends, grow deeper, ask questions, share hurts and joys, and serve the church and our community. Don't go through life alone. God created you to live in healthy Gospel community. Community Groups meet in homes throughout the week, every week. To join a group, fill out the interest form below.


God has equipped each of us with unique gifts and passions to serve the local church and community. If you are interested in contributing your time and talents to Story Hill please fill out the form below:


Baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. It signifies that a former way of life has been put to death and vividly depicts a new life in Christ. To sign up for our next baptism service, begin by filling out the Baptism Form below:


We’re excited to have you consider Story Hill Church as the place you want to belong. Our Membership process is an opportunity for us to know your story, for you to learn more about what we believe, and join together in our local church.